- Elevates accountability, enhances compliance proves sobriety or consumption
- Worn 24/7 (or installed prior to visitation)
- Automated, non- invasive
- Samples perspiration every 15 seconds
- Continuous testing means no drinking around breath test schedules
- Acts like a Breathalyzer for the wrist


V-Check Remote Breath
- V-Check App paired with the discreet Mobile breathalyzer.
- Video of BAC Checks
- Facial Recognition with Liveness Detection
- Flexible BAC Check Scheduling
- Unique Zone-Triggered BAC Checks
- Auto Reporting and Alerts

- Real time results, rapid throughput
- Precision detection
- No breath, blood, or urine sample is required
- All user results in one view
- Confirms a client’s identity and alcohol status in just 10 seconds
What are you waiting for?
alcohol every 15 seconds. The the of ethanol and from the sensor 15 .CONTACT US
Get In Touch
Want to know more details? Talk to us today.
Our Details
All enquiries for Australia and New Zealand
1800 854 511
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a reliable and accurate transdermal alcohol monitoring solution for individuals in Australia, promoting safety, accountability, and sobriety.
We are committed to helping our clients make informed decisions and maintain a healthy and responsible lifestyle
Our History
The team at SOBRsure Australia have lengthy experience in the Transdermal Alcohol industry. If you have any questions about the device or results our experts will lend a hand wherever required.